Serves 3–4 • Prep: 35 minutes + 30 minutes resting time
Ingredients for Homemade Noodles with Ham
For the dough:
1¼ cups semolina flour plus extra for rolling
2 room temperature eggs (medium size if using a pasta machine, large size if rolling by hand)
1 large pinch salt
For the filling:
9oz (250g) cooked ham
7oz (200g) cream or crème fraîche
½ bunch watercress or
1 small bunch parsley
2 tablespoons butter
freshly ground salt and pepper
How to make Homemade Noodles with Ham
1 For the dough, knead the flour, egg, and salt for 5 minutes until a smooth dough has formed. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
2 In the meantime, prepare the sauce. Slice the cooked ham; mix the cream with salt and pepper. Coarsely chop the watercress (or pick the parsley leaves and chop).
3 Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll (with a pasta machine, use the second thinnest setting or as thin as possible with a rolling pin). Occasionally wait a moment so the dough can rest. Use a pastry roller to cut the dough into irregular squares. Boil in salted water for 3–4 minutes (5–6 if hand rolled) or until al dente. Remove with a slotted spoon and allow to drip-dry.
4 Melt the butter in a frying pan and heat the ham. Add the noodles and cream; cook for 2 minutes. Plate the noodles and sprinkle generously with watercress to serve.
Tip: Set some of the pasta water aside and use to thin the sauce if it becomes too thick during heating.
Variations: For Krautfleckerl cabbage noodles, replace the ham/cream mixture with 1lb 12oz white cabbage. Quarter the cabbage, remove the stalk, and cut in thick slices. Melt a bit of butter in a pan and sauté the cabbage. As soon as it is lightly browned, deglaze with 12⁄3 cups beef broth. Steam, covered, for 10 minutes. Mix with the cooked pasta and serve.